First, I would like to tell you a little about myself.
I am a Native American. My great-great-great-great grandfather on my father’s side was Chief Cumcumly of the Chinook Indians. My father, my grandfather, and my great-great grandmother were all leaders of the Chinooks.
When the Chinook Indians decided to protest their fishing rights being imposed upon, my father went to jail for them. He used his phone call to call the BIA, who said they would send someone. What they sent was an observer, while my father was convicted without a lawyer.
Now you know who I am and we can get to the problem at hand.
I have run across two rednecks in the last few months that have both told me the same thing- they feel that because the American Indians migrated here from Eurasia and that the white man migrated here from Europe, that they have just as much right as we do to claim the country. The first fellow was on Facebook so I simply unfriended him. You can’t fix stupid. The second fellow was sitting at my dinner table eating with me. At the time, I simply told him that I believe the best argument is that ‘we were here first’ and changed the subject; however, I feel it’s time to address this before it gets out of hand.
The theory of the Settlement of the Americas is simply that- a theory. A theory that, beginning 60,000 years ago, we migrated here. 60,000 years, people. Even if we took that theory as a fact, you are 60,000 years too late.
But that brings me to my next point. What kind of self-righteousness possesses someone to decide that they are the source of life on earth and all the other continents could only be inhabited by people from their own continent?
Alternative theory- The Indians have always been right here. That somewhere deep inside, you know that what you did to us was wrong. That deep inside, you need to reconcile this so you can live with yourself.
Make up whatever you want, people. Whatever gets you through your life; but please, don’t share your ignorance with others.
~Layton Elliott